JoyofSatan Wikia
JERA (Year)
Germanic Gaar (Jera)
Gothic Jer
Norse Ár
Anglo-Saxon Ger (Jara)
Icelandic Ár
Norwegian Jara, Ar

Jera is a rune of cycles and is symbolic of the harvest where the efforts of planting and work in the fields are rewarded with crops. Ar represents the cycles of change. Life cycles, lunar cycles, the cycles of the seasons and changes. Ar is in contrast to Iss where everything stops. It signifies the return of the Sun and brings action. Ar symbolizes a vortex of cycling energy; the eight-fold wheel of life, the point inside of the circle, which is the glyph for the Sun meaning regeneration. When used in magickal operations, it can bring a reversal of personal fortunes. Like the Tarot Card, the Wheel of Fortune, Ar can reverse circumstances so misfortune is replaced with luck and visa-versa. Rune of patience and awareness, moving in harmony with natural cycles. This rune is excellent for working with nature and is a rune of fruitfulness. Ingwaz is the seed planted, Berkano is the earth that receives it and Jera is the growth and the harvest. A rune of long term planning and persistence and ensures the success of plans. This rune is also helpful as it serves as a guide in the correct timing of rituals, especially initiation. When used in black magick, this rune can bring the worst possible aspects of an individual’s wyrd to manifest and develops the forces of self-destruction. The stone is moss agate.


Gaar rune
